Our Services


iQS offers the following services relating to the construction industry:


Building projects

  • Receiving of client instructions and specifications.
  • Estimates and cost advice.
  • Compiling estimates of costs and other relevant advice that may be required before the calling of tenders.
  • Advice regarding tender procedures, tender and any other contract or cost related matters.

Concept & Viability

Feasibility Studies

  • Feasibility and other studies before the commencement of the sketch plan stage. This involves a technical and/or economical investigation and valuation of the project to assist the client in deciding whether to continue, and if so, how to initiate and proceed with his project.

Design Development

  • Obtaining of final decisions on all matters relating to design, specifications, construction and price. This involves the updating of price forecast and viability study.
  • Exercising cost control in conjunction with other professionals and preparing detailed estimates of construction cost

Documentation & Procurement


  • Ensure documentation is in accordance with design
  • Measure and prepare bills of quantities
  • Drawing up of tender documents.


Contract Administration

  • Examination and checking of rates in Bills of Quantities and adjustments where necessary.
  • Drawing up schedules of expected interim expenses.
  • Computation of valuations for the issue of payment certificates.
  • Calculation or checking of fluctuations in costs in accordance with the relevant contract price adjustment provisions.
  • Estimating the value of variations, the updating of a current financial statement and comparison with cost plan.

Tenant Requirements

  • Evaluating tenant requirements and setting up separate accounts for each tenant.

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Final Account

  • Evaluating variations/work executed.
  • Compilation, negotiating with contractor and settling of final account in accordance with the contract.


Cost Norms

  • All services with regard to projects subject to cost norms as stipulated by the treasury committee for cost norms and cost units.

Cost Planning

  • Where the client has special requirements with regard to cost planning, cost analysis and cost control services over and above the normal service.

Valuation of building, etc.

  • Compiling valuations of buildings for tax purposes, fire insurance, expropriation, return on rental and the like.

Principal Agent

  • Where the client selects the quantity surveyor to head the professional team.


  • Services as a result of default by any of the parties concerned in the contract.


  • Assistance in the settlement of disputes, attendance of meetings with legal consultants and acting as mediator at court proceedings.


  • Determining procedure in conjunction with the parties, attending the arbitration court, examination of evidence and formulating the verdict.